

Worried that you have too few teeth to support bridgework? Seeking an alternative to conventional dentures that have to be removed. Implant supported fixed and removable replacement options open up a vista of affordable possibilities.


All ceramic crowns and bridges are an excellent long term esthetic solution for patients.
« stability and precise fit
« Excellent long term natural aesthetics
« Biocompatibility


Complete Dentures : If some reason you have lost all your teeth, don't worry. Complete dentures are an economical solution for those for whom implant based replacements are not recommended



Publication details


Krishnan R, Chetty R, Prakash R. Augmentation of acquired defect of the forehead with subperisoteal silicone implant. Journal of Orofacial Research 2012 ; 1 : 72-75


Ramesh AS, Prakash R.Rationale for necessity of continuing dental education program among practicing dentist : A double blind study. Journal of Orofacial Research 2013 ; 4 : 213-215


Ramesh AS, Eswaran MA, Prakash R, Venkatesan, Balamurugan . SDA Concept and Oral health related quality of life of local Indian Population of Melmaruvathur. Asian Academic Research journal of Multidisciplinary 2013; 1:286-299


Ramesh AS, Prakash R, Krishnan R, Devi L. Prevalence of abuse of desensitising tooth paste in North Chennai region. Asian Academic Research journal of Multidisciplinary 2013 ; 1 : 123-131


Halini Kumari KV, Velekar A,Prakash R and Seshadri A. Magic with Simple Materials-Admixture (Modified Impression Compound the Golden Standard) . Indian Journal of Mednodent and Allied Sciences 2014 ; 2 : 267-270


Ramesh AS, Krishnan R, Sharma A,  Prakash R,  Kumar A, Karthik. The prevalence of mandibular incisive nerve canal and to evaluate its average location and dimension in Indian population. Journal of Pharmacy and Bioallied Sciences  2015 ;7 : S594-6


Ramesh AS, Sharma A, Rijesh K, Prakash R, Devi L, Raja E. Assessment of perceptibility and acceptability of color variations between matched teeth among trainee dentist and lay person. J Pharm Bioall Sci 2015;7:S632-5.


Prakash R, Naidu PL, Teja DUK . Selective Mirror Image Layering & Editing (S.M.I.L.E.) - Proposing a new digital tool for diagnosis, treatment planning & patient education. Part I: The handedness of a smile. J Res Adv Dent 2018;7:3:203-206


Prakash R, Naidu PL, Teja DUK. Selective Mirror Image Layering & Editing (S.M.I.L.E.) - Proposing a new digital tool for diagnosis, treatment planning & patient education. Part 2: Aesthetics Cognition Study. J Res Adv Dent 2018;7:3:215-218.


Prakash R, Teja DUK , Naidu PL. The Puri-Press Technique: The Easy Way of Producing Self-Cure Acrylic Trays and Denture Bases Using A Modified Dough Method. J Res Adv Dent 2018;7:3:222-224.


Prakash R, Teja DUK , Naidu PL. A Single Visit Technique to Obtain a Secondary Impression & Jaw Relations for Denture Camps. J Res Adv Dent 2018;8:1:1-4.


Prakash R, Kumar NP , Gupta KVSP Mrudula MV. Putting Theory into Practice, Part I: Newer Perspectives in Preclinical Training. J Res Adv Dent 2018;8:1:64-69


Prakash R, Kumar NP , Gupta KVSP Mrudula MV. Putting Theory Into Practice, Part II: Enhancement of Error Identification & Problem Solving by Way of an OSPE Approach

. J Res Adv Dent 2018;8:1:82-86.


Prakash R, Kumar NP,  Teja DUK, Naidu PL. Evaluating Edmodo as a One on One Educational Tool in Helping to Enhance Academic Performance: An Intervention Study. J Res Adv Dent 2018;8:1:93-98.